Monday, March 2, 2009

Incentives for Hostessing!

Earn a $10 gift card to Albertsons or Walmart for hosting and getting 8 or more moms to attend.

Earn the $10.00 gift card PLUS an invitation for you and a friend to attend my Advanced Couponing Class for getting 12 or more moms to attend. This class will launch you into a whole new level of savings ~ I teach you how to shop Target and Walgreens and how following a few more tips and tricks will increase your savings even more. Did you know you can get beer rebates in Utah without actually buying beer? I'll show you in this class!

Earn a $20 gift card if 20 or more moms attend AND earn an extra invitation for a second friend to join you at the Advanced Couponing Class! (Hint...combine classes with some friends)

*I'm happy to teach classes for church groups at a church, but the above incentives do not apply.

To get on my schedule call or email me today!

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